domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

A new Light

Mithras, Begetter of Light

I've spend a lot of time researching the ancient path of Mithras and with the help of numerous archeological records, modern practice of religio romana, knowledge on the modern sect of orphism and unverified personal gnosis I've been able to almost fully reconstruct the Mysteries of Mithras, for the next months I will be posting about all the sacred deeds of Mithras starting with the basic knowledge and the theogony according to Orpheus and ending with the total ascend to Heaven with the god of the sun, Sol

This blog is for a real religion trying to be reborn into the world

If you already know about Mithraism you are probably wondering how are you going to be able to practice without a community or something like it, well you can and you are able to do it, I will give you the guidelines through e-mail once you're an initiate

now let's start with a short list of what the Mysteries of Mithras are and what they aren't:

  • Mithraism is not monotheism, it is a subdivision of the Roman and Greek reconstructionist paganism
  • Mithras was not born from a virgin
  • Mithras was not born on the 25th of December
  • Mithras did not had 12 disciples
  • No one visited Mithras after, during or before his birth
  • Mithras did not had a last supper nor did he resurrected after death
  • Modern Mithraism is totally distinct from zoroastrianism, there is no dualist view, no Ahriman nor Ahuramazda 
  • Zarathustra is not a prophet in the Mysteries of Mithras
  • The worship of Mithras is not for men only though women are recommended to search salvation from rebirth with the help of Magna Mater Cybele
  • There is a holy meal and no dietary restrictions
These are the ranks of ascention which you are promoted to once you "know" more:

GradeProtecting deity
Corax, Corux or Corvex (raven or crow)
Nymphus, Nymphobus (male/female bride)
Miles (soldier)
Leo (lion)
Perses (Persian)
Heliodromus (sun-runner)
Pater (father)
that's the basic stuff you need to know, my rank is Pater Patrum, Father of Fathers I'm but a mere mortal

If you already know a lot of the Mithraic Mysteries email me @ so i can tell you how to begin your path to initiation

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